AED Hire
A complete AED leasing service.
Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are portable electronic devices that produce an electric shock which may save the life of someone suffering a cardiac arrest, that anyone can operate to help save someones life.
We offer a AED hire service with training and a full back-backup service for your own peace of mind.
Someone having a cardiac arrest at work is most likely to be in the company of at least one colleague. Early defibrillation would increase their chances of survival from 5% to more than 50%.
As part of our AED leasing service, we provide consumables, in case of emergency.
By hiring an AED from us, you could be saving a life.
What comes with our AED hire service?
A full-service Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Induction training into using an AED (up to 12 people)
Consumables to get you started
Am I required by law to have an AED?
Currently there is no legislation in the UK which obliges businesses or premises to provide an AED but there you could can be liable for negligence by failing to take appropriate safety precautions, under English Law.
By including an defibrillator in your first aid provision, you are fulfilling your corporate responsibility and increasing the chances of survival for someone in cardiac arrest.
out of hospital cardiac arrests occur in the home
out of hospital cardiac arrests occur in public spaces
decrease in survival for every minute that passes without CPR
required by DoH for all Cat A calls to arrive within 8 minutes
Take a look at this AED instructional video. As part of our AED leasing service, we are able to provide free induction training for up to 12 people.